Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Moving to Vitrual Trade Shows - Is it worth it?

My colleague Rick Short addressed a great question in his blog Virtual Trade Shows in the B2B Environment today.

Marketers in the electronics manufacturing sector, suppliers of capital equipment or consumables, and users have faced ever increasing costs to attend trade shows over the past few years.

We're reminded of the costs every day when we fill our tank up at the pump.

The big 'take away' from both Rick's post for me is simple. Virtual shows can be used to augment traditional trade shows, but may never replace them. At least not in the near future.

One of my electronics sector Clients summed it up pretty well by commenting that customers and prospects needed to have a hands on experience with his products. It that tactile, touchy-feely time that really makes the difference with hardware.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are spot on. In fact, the "touchy feely" aspect is irreplaceable.

Virtual trade shows (at least for me, and at least for now) fall in to the category of "efficiency enhancers". They also fall in to the category of "so potentially valuable in the future that I must keep keenly aware today". They do not fall in to the category of "replacements".

Thanks, Jack.